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Going Over Iterators and Generators

python, object-oriented programming, iterators, generators11 min read

This article explains the grounding structure of iteration in Python. The article start by looking at the iterator protocol and implements iterator objects using object-oriented programming (OOP). Afterwards, it introduces generator functions and the yield statement as well as generator expressions and shows how these simplify the way iterators are created. Additionally, we'll touch on some newer topics like retuning values from generators using the return statement. Finally, it gives a simple primer of how to use generators in OOP.

All examples in this article require a version of Python > 3.3 with an exception of a few examples that use the walrus operator (:=) which is only available in Python version > 3.8.

Iterator Objects: The Iterator Protocol

Because of its dynamic nature Python doesn't impose strong interfaces. However, there exist protocols and the so-called dunder methods, methods whose names start and end with a double underscore character, that are responsible for the way objects behave.

The __iter__ (and __getitem__) dunder method is fundamental for iteration because any object with this method is able to interact with the iter built-in function. Objects that have an __iter__ method are also called iterable objects (or iterables for short). The iter function calls the __iter__ method of an object and creates an iteration procedure that Python follows in order to iterate over the object.

Here's a practical example, say we have a tuple t = (0, 1, 2,) and we'd like to iterate over its elements. We'd expect that in the first iteration Python finds 0, in the second iteration 1, and in the third iteration 2. After iterating over the last element we'd expect from Python to stop the iteration process. This logics behind the iteration is prepared by the t.__iter__ method and it's called iterator object (or iterator for short).

Here's the code for our previous example:

>>> t = (0, 1, 2,)
>>> iterator_t = iter(t)

The iter function internally called t.__iter__ dunder method and returned an iterator which was assigned to iterator_t. Once the iterator is created Python knows how to iterate over the iterable t = (0, 1, 2,), as we'll see.

Built-in types such as lists, tuples, dictionaries, sets and others, are iterable objects and have both __iter__ or __getitem__ dunder methods. Therefore, there's no need to implement these dunder methods for the built-in types because Python already knows how to do this. On the other hand, for user-defined types (classes) it's important to implement __iter__ methods which return iterators in order to iterate over them (or use them in for loop).

Next we'll learn about the structure of iterators and how to write them using OOP.

The Iterator Protocol

In order for any object to be an iterator it has to supports the iterator protocol. There are three rules which every iterator must satisfy: it must keep a state which tells what is the current item in iteration process; it has to modify the state inside the __next__ dunder method with next element in iteration process and return it or raise the StopIteration exception in case there are no more elements; it must have an __iter__ method which returns the same iterator.

It's easy to show that tuple t = (0, 1, 2,) doesn't respect the third rule of the iterator protocol where as iterator_t does:

>>> t = (0, 1, 2,)
>>> t is (iterator_t := iter(t))
>>> iterator_t is iter(iterator_t)

Because the iter built-in function simply calls the t.__iter__ method, the previous code block is semantically equivalent to:

>>> t = (0, 1, 2,)
>>> t is (iterator_t := t.__iter__())
>>> iterator_t is iterator_t.__iter__()

Additionally, we can show that our tuple doesn't have a __next__ method while its iterator does:

>>> hasattr(t, "__next__")
>>> hasattr(iterator_t, "__next__")

The same way the iter function calls __iter__ dunder method, the next built-in function calls __next__ dunder method. __next__ method does all of the heavy lifting because it changes the state of an iterator and returns the next element from it. Let's use it on our iterator to change its state and return values:

>>> next(iterator_t)
>>> next(iteartor_t)
>>> next(iterator_t)
>>> next(iterator_t)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>

Notice that the only way to interact with an iterator is to make it produce a new value using the next function. Because of their simplicity iterators are very fast and memory efficient and therefore they are used in many places in Python where performance is important. Article called Revisiting the Mechanism Behind the for Statement explains how iterators are used for iteration inside the for loop.

Next, we'll implement the iterator protocol inside a class which we'll use to create iterator objects. There, we'll show how iterators work internally.

Implementing an Iterator Object That Counts Backwards

According to the iterator protocol we'll create a class called Countdown. This class will be used to instantiate iterators that count backwards from a starting number to zero in steps of one. You can think of this class as iterator factory that is used for creating new iterators.

Let's define our new class and its behaviour:

1class Countdown:
2 def __init__(self, start):
3 self._count = start
5 def __iter__(self):
6 return self
8 def __next__(self):
9 if self._count > 0:
10 self._count, count = self._count - 1, self._count
11 return count
12 else:
13 raise StopIteration

Internal state of the class is kept inside self._count. This variable updates only when the __next__ method is called by the next function. Therefore, a starting underscore in the name indicates that this is a private variable.

Countdown class has three key features:

  • keeps the state inside the self._count

  • modifies the state only inside the __next__, more specifically decrements the self._count every time the next function is used, and raises the StopIteration exception when self._count becomes lower than zero to signal that iteration has ended

  • returns the same object with the __iter__ method

Notice that __iter__ method of iterator objects returns the same object (iterator). Therefore, iterators are iterable objects but the opposite is not true.

Let's create an instance of Countdown class and test it:

>>> new_year = Countdown(3)
>>> new_year is iter(new_year)
>>> next(new_year)
>>> next(new_year)
>>> next(new_year)
>>> next(new_year)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>

This test shows that instance of the Countdown class fulfills the iterator protocol. Namely, it keeps the state and changes it each time Python asks for a next element with the next function. Also calling the iter function with iterator as an argument returns the same iterator.

To Infinity and Beyond: Infinite Iterators

It's important that iterator raises the StopIteration exception when it doesn't have more values to return. Iterators that have raised the StopIteration exception are called exhausted iterators. Previous examples have shown that iterators instantiated with Countdown class became exhausted when their internal state (self._count) was lower than zero. Exhausted iterator cannot produce values. Repopulating an exhausted iterator is the same as creating a new instance.

Interestingly, there exist infinite iterators. These iterators don't have a condition that raises the StopIteration exception. Let's write a class that is used for creating infinite iterators that echoes whatever is passed to them:

1class Echo:
2 def __init__(self, message):
3 self._message = message
5 def __iter__(self):
6 return self
8 def __next__(self):
9 return self._message

Amazingly, the code inside Echo.__next__ method is simpler than the one in Countdown.__next__ method. To create a class that instantiates infinite iterators it's sufficient to remove the condition for raising the StopIteration exception.

Let's also make sure that it works:

>>> troll_kid = Echo("Why?")
>>> next(troll_kid)
>>> next(troll_kid)
>>> next(troll_kid)

We've used Echo to create an infinite iterator that represents a kid which always asks the question "Why?" and trolls people that way. This iterator never gets exhausted because it always knows how to create a new value when the next function requests it. Plugging this iterator inside the for statement would really troll Python because it would go into an infinite loop trying to find a non-existing StopIteration exception.

Python's Standard Library has a module called itertools that defines a number of functions used for creating infinite iterators. The Echo class reimplemented a simpler version of the itertools.repeat function that creates an infinite iterator which repeats any object given to it.

Lazy Evaluation

You've probably realized that iterator objects have two states: suspended and activated. When they're suspended they keep the internal state unchanged and as soon as the next function calls them they activate and produce a value. After the activation they suspend again. The iterator protocol allows iterators to produce values only when another part of code requires that, otherwise they stay suspended. This kind of execution is referred to as lazy evaluation (or call-by-need)1.

Lazy evaluation is heavily used for code optimization. Instead of creating memory-demanding data structures with elements (such as lists, tuples, ranges) and passing them around lazy evaluation allows us to pass data in sequences of values from one place to another without keeping it in memory after computation is completed.

Generator Objects

It turns out that implementing the iterator protocol in a class is a lot of work. This is where generator objects (or generators for short) come in! Instead of creating iterators with a class we'll see that it is much easier to create iterators using a special function that has the yield statement in function body. These special functions are called generator functions and are able to create iterator objects called generator.

Generator Function vs. Generators

The yield statement, just like the return statement, is bound to the body of a function and cannot be used outside of it:

>>> yield 42
File "<stdin>", line 1
SyntaxError: 'yield' outside function

Functions that have the yield statements inside the function body are called generator functions. These are different from regular functions without the yield statement because they create generator objects. You can think of generator functions as generator factories that instantiate generators.

Let's write a regular function and a generator function and call them to see the difference:

>>> def f():
... return 42
>>> f()
>>> def generator_factory():
... yield 42
>>> generator_factory()
<generator object generator_factory at 0x7f49eb1f8f90>

The regular function returns the value which follows the return statement in the function definition while calling the generator function creates a generator object (see the highlighted lines in the code block).

Like iterators, generators implement the iterator protocol. We'll create a generator by calling the generator function and show that generators pass all the tests like iterators:

>>> g = generator_factory() # create a generator
>>> hasattr(g, "__iter__")
>>> g is iter(g)
>>> hasattr(g, "__next__")
>>> next(g)
>>> next(g)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>

These are similar to the tests used to show that iterators support the iterator protocol.

A generator instance with __iter__ and __next__ methods is created after calling a generator function. The iter function called on a generator returns the same generator instance. Additionally, calling the next function activates generators and executes the body of the generator function until the next yield statement is reached and produces the value which follows the statement. Once it produces a value generator suspends and waits for the next activation with the next function. When there are no more yield statements in the function body generator gets exhausted and raises the StopIteratation exception.

Revisiting the Previous Iterators

The previous section shows that generator functions provide a powerful frameworks for creating iterator objects called generators. Therefore, we'll rewrite the previous examples: iterator_t, Countdown, and Echo using generator functions.

The iterator_t instance:

Let's write a generator function which creates generators that are similar to iterator_t:

1def gen_iterator_t():
2 yield 0
3 yield 1
4 yield 2
5 return None

Generator functions are usually written without the return None statement because in Python any function that doesn't have the return statement by default returns None. Python versions > 3.3 support the use of both return and yield statements inside the body of a generator function.

Let's call gen_iterator_t to create a generator instance and, since generators implement the iterator protocol, use the next function to change the generator state and produce values:

>>> iterator_t = gen_iterator_t()
>>> next(iterator_t)
>>> next(iterator_t)
>>> next(iterator_t)
>>> next(iterator_t)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>

The next function activates the generator and advances the code inside the generator function until the next yield statement. When a yield statement is reached the generator produces a value and suspends. It reactivates when it gets called with the next function. When there are no more yield statements or when the return statement inside the generator function is reached the generator raises the StopIteration exception at which point it behaves like an exhausted iterator.

The Countdown class:

The following generator function is able to substitute the Countdown class:

1def gen_countdown(start):
2 count = start
3 while count > 0:
4 yield count
5 count -= 1
6 return None

Generator functions, like regular functions, accept function arguments. Our gen_countdown is simpler to read and easier to maintain compared to the Countdown class which does the same job. Notice also that the yield statement is used inside a loop, this is a very common pattern for writing generator functions.

Let's show that generators created with gen_countdown behaves like iterators instantiated with the Countdown class:

>>> new_year = gen_countdown(3)
>>> new_year is iter(new_year)
>>> next(new_year)
>>> next(new_year)
>>> next(new_year)
>>> next(new_year)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>

Generator instance new_year behaves exactly like the iterator instance new_year. Therefore, in Python generators and iterators are most often considered synonyms.

The Echo class:

Using infinite while loops it's possible to write generator functions that contain infinite number of yield statements. This pattern supports construction of infinite generators.

The following generator function creates generators similar to the iterators created with the Echo class:

1def gen_echo(message):
2 while True:
3 yield message

Notice that we've also intentionally left out the return None. This is probably for the better because this generator function cannot execute until the function end. Thus, it's not able to return anything.

Let's create an infinite generator:

>>> troll_kid = gen_echo("Why?")
>>> next(troll_kid)
>>> next(troll_kid)
>>> next(troll_kid)

This generator cannot get exhausted because the yield statement is stuck inside the infinite loop. Next, we'll talk about retrieving return values from generators once they're exhausted.

Retrieving Return Values from Generators

PEP 380 was implemented in Python 3.3 and ever since then generators are able to return a value once they're exhausted. The return value of a generator is passed inside the StopIteration exception in an attribute called value.

Take a look at the following generator function:

1from collections import namedtuple
3Stat = namedtuple("Stat", ["total", "positive", "negative"])
5def filter_from(words, f):
6 c = 0
7 for total, w in enumerate(words, start=1):
8 if f(w):
9 c += 1
10 yield w
11 return Stat(total, c, total-c)

This generator function filters out elements from words according to the rule in the second argument. The second argument is a function which takes a string and returns a boolean. While generator is active it counts the number of total elements and the ones that have passed through the filter. Once generator is exhausted it returns Stat namedtuple with statistics about the total and the filtered number of items.

Let's create a generator that searches for palindromes (symmetric words):

>>> p = filter_from(
... words := "Boeing 737 landed at noon in Cairo.".split(),
... lambda x: x == x[::-1]
... )

The first argument is list of words from the sentence and the second argument is lambda function that checks if a word is palindrome. Additionally, using the walrus operator (:=) we've assigned the list of words from the sentence to variable words so that it's easy to recreate the same generator once it's exhausted.

Let's filter out palindromes with our generator and iterate over them with the next function until the generator gets exhausted:

>>> next(p)
>>> next(p)
>>> next(p)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
StopIteration: Stat(total=7, positive=2, negative=5)

Notice that when the generator gets exhausted the traceback message indicates that the StopIteration exception object carries the return value from the generator. The StopIteration object must be caught with the try/except statements before the return value of the generator is retrieved from the attribute called value.

Here's an example of a while loop that captures the StopIteration exception, retrieves the return value of the generator and breaks out of the loop:

>>> p = filter_from(words, lambda x: x == x[::-1])
>>> while True:
... try:
... v = next(p)
... except StopIteration as exception:
... print(return_value := exception.value)
... break
... else:
... print(v)
Stat(total=7, positive=2, negative=5)

Returning values from generator functions is more practical when working in the context of coroutines. Although sometimes returning a value from a generator is useful because it allows programmer to reflect on generated elements to make further decisions.

Generator Expressions: The Anonymous Generators

Generator expressions further shorten the process of creating generators by delegating anonymous generators directly and without the need for calling generator functions. The syntax for generator expressions is similar to list comprehensions with a difference that generator expresses are created inside parenthesis "()" while list comprehensions are created inside square brackets "[]".

Let's create a generator instance similar to the one we've created using gen_countdown and show that the created generator supports the iterator protocol:

>>> new_year = (i for i in reversed(range(1, 4)))
>>> new_year is iter(new_year)
>>> next(new_year)
>>> next(new_year)
>>> next(new_year)
>>> next(new_year)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>

With this generator expression we've iterated over every element of reversed(range(1, 4)) and yielded it. Just like any other iterator object generator expressions can be used inside the for statement:

>>> for count in (i for i in reversed(range(1, 4))):
... print(count)

Notice that generator expressions are anonymous just like lambda functions. Although many Pythonistas are dreaded by lambda functions they seem to be happy using generator expressions, but when there is a need to reuse a generator in different places it's almost always better to write a separate generator function.

Flexibility of generator expressions makes it easy to combine them with function arguments. Similar to list comprehensions, we can crate lists by combining generator expressions and the list function, see here:

>>> list(i for i in reversed(range(1, 4)))
[3, 2, 1]

Additionally, generator expressions support the if statement which allows them to behave like the filter built-in function. Let's filter out even arguments from the previous example and create a list with only odd numbers:

>>> list(i for i in reversed(range(1, 4)) if i % 2 != 0)
[3, 1]

For exercise, rewrite troll_kid generator using a generator expression (hint: use itertools.count or itertools.repeat)2.

More information and better examples of generator expressions are found in PEP 289 which was written by the ever-amusing Python core developer Raymond Hettinger (check out his amazing YouTube videos).

Primer of Generator Usage in OOP

It was previously mentioned that __iter__ method must always return an iterator. Because generator functions return generators (which are identical to iterators) they are suitable for implementing __iter__ method. This is the preferred way of creating user-defined class for iterable objects.

Generator Functions

Let's create a container class PicnicBasket which has an __iter__ method. This means that instances of this class are going to be iterable objects:

1class PicnicBasket:
2 def __init__(self, *content):
3 self._content = content
5 def __iter__(self):
6 for item in self._content:
7 yield item

The __iter__ method is implemented as a generator function. Notice that the __iter__ method doesn't contain the return statement because it's expected that it returns None once its generator is exhausted.

Generator Expression

Using generator expressions it's possible to rewrite PicnicBasket.__iter__ method:

class PicnicBasket:
def __init__(self, *content):
self._content = content
def __iter__(self):
return (item for item in self._content)

This example clearly shows that the __iter__ method returns a generator.

PicnicBasket instances are iterable because they have __iter__ method which returns an iterator. We'll create an instance of PicnicBasket and than put in a few items for an afternoon picnic:

>>> wood_basket = PicnicBasket("blanket", "lemonade" ,"sandwiches",)
>>> for item in wood_basket:
... print(item)

Now our wood_basket is an iterable object (iterable but not iterator) and therefore it can be used inside the for statement.


In this article we've distinguished between itearbles, objects with __iter__ or __getitem__ dunder methods, and iterators which are objects that implement the iterator protocol. In the context of object-oriented programming we've implemented classes that create iterators and talked about the concept of lazy evaluation.

Generator functions provide a simple framework for creating iterators called generators. Instead of implementing iterator protocol inside a class it's easier and more readable to control the state of a generator with the yield statement. Additionally, we're able to create anonymous generators using generator expressions.

The last OOP example is only one of many where generators are handy. Now when you have the right tools and knowledge about iterables, iterators, and generators try to discover others!

If your looking for other examples where iterators are used in Python I'd suggest reading Revisiting the Mechanism Behind the for Statement. That article explains how the for statement relies on the iterator protocol for iterating over iterable objects.

  1. Lazy evaluation in Python is limited to iterators and is very different from the lazy evaluation used in Haskell. Lazy evaluation in Haskell is a-whole-nother-level of lazy and amazing!
  2. gen1 = ("Why?" for _ in itertools.count()) and gen2 = (i for i in itertools.repeat("Why?")).