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Recursive Generators

python, iterators, functional programming6 min read

This article provides alternative ways to implement count, cycle and repeat generator functions that are a part of the itertools module in the Python Standard Library (PSL). The proposed solutions are based on the principle of functional recursion and are similar to design patterns used in functional programming. The main message of the article is, however, not to propose potential improvements to the PSL but to challenge programmers and open them to a new way of thinking about iterators. It also goes to show that in the context of iterators the idea of functional recursion comes naturally with the use of the yield from statement. Hence, it's very unfortunate that Python doesn't have better support for recursion.

Recursive Generators 101

Generator functions are specific functions that contain yield or yield from statements inside their function body. Unlike regular functions, generator functions return generator objects when they are called. If you feel that you would like to brush up your knowledge about generators take a look at my other article called Going Over Iterators and Generators.

Recursive generator functions are a subset of regular generator functions. More specifically, recursive generator function is defined by calling itself inside the body of the same generator function. The main problem for achieving recursion with generator functions is the fact that they return a generator instance which awaits for the next built-in function to call it in order to produce a value. This behaviour obviously hinders recursion. Therefore, calling a generator function returns a generator that needs to be unpacked in order to establish recursion. We'll see that in Python this can be achieved using the yield from statement.

The following subsection introduces the concept of the yield from statement which is essential for unpacking iterators (generators). Afterwards, we'll use it to establish recursive iteration in recursive generator functions.

The yield from Statement: The Unpacking Mechanism

The yield from statement was introduced to delegate subgenerators in the context of coroutines (see PEP 380). However, when it's used in the context of simple generators (non-coroutine objects) its usage becomes simple. Therefore, for the purpose of this article consider the yield from statement as a way to unpack iterable objects (objects with __iter__ or __getitem__ dunder methods) until they raise the StopIteration exception at which point the unpacking stops. Consider the following generator function:

1def unpack(iterable):
2 yield from iterable

As long as we make sure not to pass a coroutine as function argument, the above generator function behaves the same as the following:

1def unpack_(iterable):
2 for i in iterable:
3 yield i

Both unpack and unpack_ are generator functions that accept a single argument and return a generator. To show that the functions produce the same results the following example unpacks a tuple and save it in a list:

>>> c = (1, 2, 3,)
>>> list(unpack(c))
[1, 2, 3]
>>> list(unpack_(c))
[1, 2, 3]

Now let's create an iterator and pass it to the yield from:

>>> i = iter(c)
>>> list(unpack(i))
[1, 2, 3]

This shows that the behaviour of the yield_from statement is the same for containers (tuple, list, range) and iterable objects. The yield from statement provides a simple framework for unpacking iterable objects until the StopIteration exception signals to stop unpacking.

Recursive Generators: The Matriyoshka Example

In the following example we'll look at the recursive nature of the Matriyoshka doll and create a recursive generator function that unpacks the doll.

We'll use NamedTuple type to model the doll and specify the size of the doll in the field called size. This field reflects the number of dolls that the original holds inside of it. The smallest doll has has the size field equal to zero (i.e., it doesn't contain other dolls). Here's the model for a matriyoshka doll:

1from typing import NamedTuple
4class Matriyoshka(NamedTuple):
5 size: int

For example Matriyoshka(size=2) is an object that models a doll that has two dolls inside it, namely Matriyoshka(size=1) and Matriyoshka(size=0) objects. Note that with the relationship between the objects is weak in the sense that the original doll only has a larger size but doesn't explicitly enclose the smaller dolls.

Let's create a recursive generator function which recursively opens each doll until the smallest doll is reached (i.e., doll that has size equal to zero):

1from typing import Iterator
4def open_matriyoshka(m: Matriyoshka) -> Iterator[Matriyoshka]:
5 yield m
6 if m.size > 0:
7 yield from open_matriyoshka(m._make([m.size - 1]))

This function is a recursive generator function because it calls itself inside of the function body. When the generator function is called with one argument it returns a generator object. Generator objects are iterable and therefore interact nicely with the yield from statement. The yield from statement unpacks the generator which is created by calling open_matriyoshka with a doll of decremented size as a function argument. The decrementing ensures that the doll size becomes smaller. The recursive iteration continues until the base case for recursion is reached (i.e., until the algorithm decrements the doll size sufficiently many times to reach the smallest doll with the size field equal to zero). Once the base case is reached the recursion stops.

Let's test our recursive generator function and show that it can be used to unpack Matriyoshka objects:

>>> next(g := open_matriyoshka(Matriyoshka(size=2)))
>>> next(g)
>>> next(g)
>>> next(g)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>

Generator g is created after calling open_matriyoshka with an argument Matriyoshka(size=2), i.e., object that represents a doll which has two dolls inside it. Each time the next built-in function is called on the generator g the code inside the generator function runs until the next yield statement and produces a value which follows it. When the code reaches the yield from statement it creates a new generator and continues searching for the next yield statement inside it. When there are no more yield statements the original generator g is exhausted and the StopIteration exception is raised.

In the following section we'll use the recursive mechanism to rewrite three functions from the itertools module.

Reimplementing count, cycle and repeat Functions

count, cycle and repeat are iterator factories defined in the itertools module that are used for creating well-optimized iterators that are both fast and memory efficient. The functions are implemented in C programming language and live inside the itertoolsmodule.c file. For the sake of completeness every function from the module has an equivalent Python implementation which complements the documentation of the module. Before reimplementing these functions we'll cover the basic use cases and the way they are implemented according to the Python documentation:

  • count creates an infinite counter >>> count(10) --> 10 11 12 13 14 ...
1def count(start=0, step=1):
2 n = start
3 while True:
4 yield n
5 n += step
  • cycle indefinitely cycles over an iterable object >>> cycle("ABC") --> A B C A B C A ...
1def cycle(iterable):
2 saved = []
3 for element in iterable:
4 yield element
5 saved.append(element)
6 while saved:
7 for element in saved:
8 yield element
  • repeat repeats an object infinitely or finite number of times >>> repeat(10, 3) --> 10 10 10
1def repeat(object, times=None):
2 if times is None:
3 while True:
4 yield object
5 else:
6 for i in range(times):
7 yield object

Note that these functions share the same design pattern. They instantiate infinite iterators by dropping into an infinite while loop (highlighted lines in the above code examples). This ensures that the iterators always have a yield statement that produces a new value and that the iterator is unable to raise the StopIteration exception (i.e., to get exhausted). This particular design, using an infinite while loop, is an obvious solution that a lot of programmers in the context of imperative programming are comfortable with.

Next we'll put on our "functional-programming" hats and reimplement these functions in the form of previously introduced recursive generator functions.

Recursive count Function

The count function is probably the simplest one to implement:

1from typing import Union
3Number = Union[int, float]
6def recount(x: Number, step: Number = 1) -> Number:
7 yield x
8 yield from recount(x + step, step)

When this generator function is called it creates a generator object. The generator simply yields the first argument that is passed when the generator function is called. Then it creates a new generator with an incremented value. The new generator is unpacked using the yield from statement. The code continues to search through the newly created generator for the next yield statement. That way new values are being produced. Each time a new value is produces a new generators with an incremented value is created. Here's an example:

>>> r = recount(10, 2)
>>> next(r)
>>> next(r)
>>> next(r)
>>> next(r)

We'll use the same idea to reimplement the cycle and repeat functions. First the generator needs to yield a value and than it recursively creates a new generator which gets unpacked.

Recursive cycle Function

Looking at the cycle function you'll notice that there is a quirk. Before cycle drops into the infinite loop it saves elements from the iterable into a list type object. This ensures that the iterable over which the code cycles doesn't get exhausted. This is not needed for container-type objects (e.g., list, tuple, range) but is important for iterators and generators since they get exhausted once there are no more yield statements to produce new values. To create recursive generator function we'll use a similar trick and make a copy of the iterator. The idea is to exhaust one iterator copy and use the other as input for the recursive generator function:

1from itertools import tee
2from typing import Iterable
5def recycle(iterable: Iterable) -> Iterable:
6 i, i_copy = tee(iterable)
7 yield from i_copy
8 yield from recycle(i)

If the function didn't create a copy it would have only worked for container-type objects. This implementation, however, is able to infinitely cycle over any iterable object. We can test this by combining two recursive generator functions:

>>> g = recycle(open_matriyoshka(Matriyoshka(size=2)))
>>> next(g)
>>> next(g)
>>> next(g)
>>> next(g)

On the downside this recursive generator function comes with a performance overhead because it makes a copy of the iterable each time it enters a new cycle.

Recursive repeat Function

Examples of recount and recycle have shown how to create infinite recursive generators. Reimplementation of repeat poses a new problem. Since repeat can create finite iterators the recursive generator function requires a base case to stop the recursion. Take a look at the following implementation:

1from typing import Iterator, TypeVar
3T = TypeVar('T')
6def rerepeat(x: T, times: int = 0) -> Iterator[T]:
7 yield x
8 if (new_times := times - 1) != 0:
9 yield from rerepeat(x, new_times)

Generators created by calling rerepeat yield the first argument used during the function call. Afterwards the times argument gets decremented. For the generators with positive times the decrementing means that the value becomes closer to one. When times becomes one the base case is reached. The if statement doesn't activate and the generator stops unpacking new generators. However, for the generators with negative times (or zero) the decrementing leads to even smaller numbers which drive it away from the base case. Consequently, the generator with times lower or equal to zero are infinite generators.

Here's a taste of what we can do with the rerepeat function:

>>> '-'.join(rerepeat("NANA", 8)) + " BATMAN!"

This works only because the times argument is positive and the iterator is finite. However, testing the same example with an infinite iterator would blow up in our face!


The concept of functional recursion is applicable in the context of iterators and results in the so-called recursive generator functions. We've shown that functional recursion is a natural approach for creating both finite and infinite iterators using the simplest use case of the yield from statement. It provides the unpacking mechanism for iterable objects and establishes the flow of recursive iteration. This circumvents the need for loops in generator functions.

We've used the concept of functional recursion to reimplemented pure functions from the itertools module. These exercises have shown how to set base case for recursion. While implementing the recycle function it was pointed out that container-type objects, unlike iterators, cannot be exhausted. Therefore, careful consideration has to be made to reflect the use case when designing a recursive generator function.

It is well-known that recursion in Python is a crippled tool since it builds on top of the C stack. This is very unfortunate because it limits the application of recursive generator function. Until the problem with recursion gets solved recursive generator will only be a mental exercise aimed to help programmers expand their way of thinking in terms of tools that are used in functional programming.