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Revisiting the Mechanism Behind the `for` Statement

python4 min read

In Python the for statement is an important tool used for specifying iteration. This article (literally) goes over the for statement and uncovers the mechanism that makes it tick. Before disassembling the for statement we'll first look at the way it is used and from there slowly start diving into the internals.

The for Statement 101

The for statement acts as an interface for iterating over elements inside objects. The most obvious way for a C programmer to iterate over an object in Python is the following:

>>> planets = ("Mercury", "Venus", "Earth", "Mars",)
>>> for i in range(len(planets)):
... print(planets[i])

The idea here is to create an index variable i from an arithmetic progression using the built-in range function which goes from zero up to but not including len(planets). The index variable is used with the container object in following way planets[i] to retrieve the elements one by one in each iteration.

The problem with the previous example is that there are several things happening at the same time making it hard to separate the "business logic" in the code from the boilerplate required for iterating. In order to iterate over elements of a container object programmer has to build an arithmetic progression and access the element by referring to index. In a situation with nested for statements the code becomes harder to read and debug. For this reason, Python provides a better way to iterate over objects.

Let's rewrite the previous code block in a more Pythonic way:

>>> planets = ("Mercury", "Venus", "Earth", "Mars",)
>>> for planet in planets:
... print(planet)

Now this is much better because the "business logic" inside the loop is clear. Notice how the for loop actually behaves as the foreach loop where Python simply knows how to iterate over every element inside the planets without programmer having to refer to indexes. We've introduced variable planet which is an iteration variable and gets updated in each iteration with a new element from the for loop. This behaviour removes the noise of building an arithmetic progression and referring to objects with indexes. At the same time it gives a more intuitive iteration experience since the code can be read as pseudo code.

In terms of performance is a script that measures the execution time of the two examples and shows that the second example preforms significantly faster than iterating using indexes.

Feeding the for Statement With Iterables

Until now I've deliberately avoided talking about the type of objects which were passed into the for statement. At this point, however, I'd like to focus on the following question: "What type of objects can we pass into the for statement?"

In the previous examples, we've ignorantly passed two different types of objects into the for statement (range1 and tuple) and assumed that Python knows how to iterate over these objects. That being said, what would happen if we try to iterate over an object of type integer (int)? Let's take a look at the following example:

>>> for number in 42:
... print(number)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable

Here we get an error message! More specifically, Python gives us a TypeError saying that it doesn't know how to iterate over int objects because apparently int is not an iterable. With a bit of help from Python, in this example we came to the conclusion that in order for an object to get along with the for statement it has to be iterable.

An iterable is an object that knows how to return its members one at a time. Iterable objects are required to implement either __iter__ or __getitem__ methods. These methods tell Python the order in which it should return elements inside the iterable. Many of the default types such as list, tuple, dict and others are iterable and we don't have to worrying about implementing their dunder methods, we simply pass them into the for statement.

In order to see if an object is iterable we can call the iter built-in function and pass the object as an argument. Here's an example of passing an object of type list as an argument inside the iter function:

>>> planets = ("Mercury", "Venus", "Earth", "Mars",)
>>> iter(planets)
<tuple_iterator object at 0x7f83e198bbe0>

We can see that this call was successful because we didn't get any error! However, if we try doing the same with an integer argument we get the following message:

>>> iter(42)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable

Notice that this error message is identical to the one we got when we passed an int to the for statement!

The Mechanism Behind the for Statement

Python has no way of knowing how to iterate over an object passed to the for statement and therefore it calls the iter built-in function with the object as an argument to get help. This is the reason we get the exact same error message when passing int object to the for statement and the iter function.

The iter function searches the __iter__ and __getitem__ methods inside the object to find the order in which elements should be iterated over and returns a very simple object called iterator (not to be mistaken for iterable). The iterator is responsible for telling the for statement exactly how to iterate over the iterable object through a method called __next__. An iterator object can be called with Python's next function to return an element from the iterable that was used for creating the iterator. Once all the elements from have been returned next function raises a StopIteration exception.

Hopefully, at this point you understand that the for statement is top of an iceberg when it comes to iteration. Under the surface there are functions like iter and next that do a lot of work. Therefore, the for statement is considered more of an interface for interacting with iterable objects. We can rewrite the example with planets and expose the mechanism behind the for statement:

>>> planets = ("Mercury", "Venus", "Earth", "Mars",)
>>> iplanets = iter(planets)
>>> while True:
... try:
... planet = next(iplanets)
... except StopIteration:
... break
... else:
... print(planet)

Let's go over the details one more time: planets is an iterable object which means that it can be iterated over since it implements __iter__ or __getitem__ method. Calling the iter function on an iterable object returns an iterator with __next__ method. Afterwards, the iterator object is passed to the next function inside an infinite loop and it returns elements from the planets object. After the iterator returned every object it gets exhausted and raises a StopIteraton exception at which point Python exits the infinite loop.

Adding an else Clause

The else clause that follows the for statement is not a well-known or used feature but it is a part of Python's flow control. The previously described mechanism need to be slightly modified in order to support the else clause. Here's how the code looks with the else clause:

>>> planets = ("Mercury", "Venus", "Earth", "Mars",)
>>> iplanets = iter(planets)
>>> _loop = True
>>> while _loop:
... try:
... planet = next(iplanets)
... except StopIteration:
... _loop = False
... else:
... print(planet)
... else:
... print(f"The `break` statement didn't interrupt the loop!")
The `break` statement didn't interrupt the loop!

In case of the while statement Python runs the code inside the else clause only when the logical expression in the while loop becomes False. Therefore, we only have to changed the way of exiting the infinite loop: instead of using the break statement in this case the loop terminates with _loop = False.

With this implementation, the else clause shouldn't run when we use the break statement inside the loop body. Let's add only two lines which include the break statement in the loop of the code and test if the else clause runs:

>>> planets = ("Mercury", "Venus", "Earth", "Mars",)
>>> iplanets = iter(planets)
>>> _loop = True
>>> while _loop:
... try:
... planet = next(iplanets)
... except StopIteration:
... _loop = False
... else:
... print(planet)
... if planet == "Earth":
... break
... else:
... print(f"The `break` statement didn't interrupt the loop!")

The test uses the break statement to exit the loop when the iteration reaches the "Earth" object and the else clause doesn't run. Our test was a success!


We've seen that the for statement represents syntactic sugar which acts as an interface for interacting with iterable objects. Additionally, we've exposed the underlying mechanism and showed that under the surface the for statement calls the iter and next built-in functions. Hopefully, you've realized that the iterator protocol lies in the heart of Python's iteration.

  1. In Python 2.x the range function returns an object of type list while in Python 3.x it returns an object of type range.